The marquee of the 0.9.0 patch notes was the boosted mana it costs to play Deny. The Legends of Runeterra 0.9.0 patch launched on February 17, 2020, as revealed on the Legends of Runterra Twitter, and it’s got a number of changes aimed at curbing early Ionian dominance and late Shadow Isle mayhem, all while giving champions Lux and Yasuo a leg up in their roles as stalwart warriors. Legends of Runeterra patch notes 0.9.0 launched recently, and among the major changes, those depending on Deny will find it just a bit more costly of a decision while the Shadow Isles’ greatest monsters were dialed back just a touch to allow more space to deter death.

As Legends of Runeterra has continued through its open beta, Riot Games and the community around Runeterra have learned plenty about what kind of emerging metas can shut down a match or need just a little extra oomph.